Turning Myself Into A Bratz Doll! The Bratz Challenge!
Wow love oh oh oh everybody I am beyond excited for today's challenge slash makeup tutorial video in 2017 I believe promise fan did a video where she completely transformed herself into a Bratz doll now two years later in 2019 it has become a movement it has become a viral challenge and everybody is turning themselves into Bratz dolls it could be more excited when I tell you that Bratz really hit home for me because I used to be obsessed with Bratz I feel like my obsession for makeup kind of really started there like a little seed was planted in my brains when I got my first Bratz like every single time the makeup was poppin every single time I was like oh my god those lips I need them how wonderful that not 15 years later I actually do have those lips now Bratz hold a very special place in my heart and when I found out about this challenge and that it actually was a challenge I was like oh my god I have to do this so I drove to one of the best toy stores here in Holland and this is what happened all right so literally walked it to the store look to my own didn't see any brats and then she was like no brett's are like really over my youth today's youth will never know how good it was back then were the girls with the passion for fashion so unfortunately today's video will have to do without an actual Bratz doll in in my existence in my life right now now for today's Bratz transformations Hunt's format see touch world the day there are a lot of renditions on this look you can either be like super inspired by the style and the makeup and just do your own kind of spin on that I see people doing the sort of anime manga eyes that I did in this video and that we saw promised do too but I'm today gonna just wing it because I never know what I'm really doing in my life I know that James just finished recording his look for the Bratz challenge we face them each other let's not do a BA Frost again I know that James is uploading on Friday – me right now please no drama please we are aware so the look that I'm recreating today is by this intagram account right here this is Martyn Kantos Kan Martin kennels so Martin made this insane beautiful colorful Bratz doll and immediately I was obsessed and in love she's wearing rainbow eyes I need to wear rainbow eyes so yeah that is what I'm doing today I am doing the Bratz makeup challenge I can't wait I'm ready already so I think the best method here would be to just work on our face first get that flawless get that perfect and then we could take a dive into those very Bratz like eyes so get the full coverage foundation I'll get the primers out get the powder out it is time to bake first I'll be going in with this cover effects primer right here so I've been trying this over the last couple of days trecently came up with a lot of primers at not sponsored I have seen a couple of influencers do videos on these I don't know if twere sponsored I'm not I just want to let you know that the gripping one is where it's at this is super super sticky when you apply this it literally feels like you have the sticky sort of like nourishing mask on you know what I like about sticky primers I feel like tjust grab the foundation and all the base products I really make them last and you know sit well in the face so I'm using that to prime and I've been using it over the last couple of days it's awesome time for a foundation not today I want to be trying a brand new foundation I was actually my first time trying it this is by hourglass this is called the vanish seamless finish liquid foundation now you might know the vanish term from there stick foundation there triangle stick foundation is the vanish one to you and tcame out with a liquid version so I really want to try that on my face today so that is what I'm doing alright and then using my sponge I'm just gonna remove my face oh my god that coverage is insane oh my god um okay bye vanish did tmean make the face vanish I am capital shook City at this coverage like did not see that one coming here well you know what I wanted my face to look like a doll because I'm transforming myself into a Bratz doll and tliterally have perfect skin plastic skin I am looking like that today this this is amazing just a for chisels and giggles I've been playing a bit of concealer it takes a lot for me to be overwhelmed with a foundation and I feel like for the first time in a really really long time I am overwhelmed I feel like this might be one of the most full coverage foundations I have ever tried of my life we might be on to something here people now I'm baking the face using the butter Pro filter setting powder by senji okay so while I'm here pounding the life out of my face and making myself look plastic I am gonna do my brows off-camera and probably the first eye to to sort of gather my thoughts and then I'll be back to show you how to do it okay so I feel like it's been like three hours but tada mmm I can tell you already that I'm absolutely living for it so now I'm going to show you how to do it right so the first product I'm gonna use is this pea Louise base but this is in a different color than I usually use this isn't the color one and using a sponge I'm just gonna tap this onto my lid and crease area then dipping into this bright lights palette by pinky rose and just a look at all these colors I'm going in with this hot pink here called Vicky and I'm picking this color up on a more feet m56 to brush picking that pink up placing this in the inner portion of my crease when you look at your crease and you kind of decided in thirds this is like the inner third a little by little I'm just gonna distribute that color and we'll focus on blending later go softly placing it right there going all the way towards the inner portion almost hitting like the nose line and going up and it's all about that extremeness today then on a very similar brush I'm taking Dreamsicle this serves like peachy orange and it's sort of leaving a gap in the center here because we're adding yellow later on so kind of continuing right here defining our new crease right there and then once you reach the end of your eye you kind of want to swoop it up towards the tail of your brow right here and that will make for a perfect blend later on for the yellow in the center I'm going in with this beautiful bright yellow right here I was like where am i this is lit from the same palette and on another very like small detail pointer blender fresh this is a morphe M 507 just placing that right on there and you're kinda wiggle it back and forth between the pink and that orange to make it a nice little mesh and we're also just gonna bust that up almost hitting our brow just a warning that this look is gonna look like a total mess until the very very very end so now once we have this explosion of a crease going on it is time for the purple wing now the purple wing in the end is not as you know intense bu