Makeup Yout

Trying A New… Tool To Apply My Makeup Lol

um gonna try a new beauty tool beauty tool beauty tool what did i say beauty tool i don't know why that was so difficult to say we're gonna try a new beauty tool okay this is a new makeup applicator by bo nelson i don't know if you guys know bo he is an amazing makeup artist he's also [ __ ] hilarious um anyway so he launched this new tool which is a silicone makeup sponge uh yeah i know the first thing he said to me was yes i know exactly what it looks like but like honestly what beauty sponge doesn't you know what i mean so anyway he launched this i don't know when it launched but um we grabbed coffee the other day and um he was nice enough to bring me his new beauty tool uh leia is what it's called i don't know if you can see the name on the app on the container thing this is a container for it and it's got a little perforated whatever so that it you know air um anyway so it's a silicone sponge now do you remember when those started to become a thing twere all these like flat things and like tbasically all of them had seams and i was like how am i supposed to use this like i thought the idea of it was cool but it didn't like make any sense when you went in with like the um seam like you couldn't like move it around or whatever it wasn't like a sponge so my favorite way to apply my makeup personally concealer and foundation is with a damp sponge that just seems to be like what i like best but uh the point of this is because it's made out of silicone um it's not going to be soaking up your product right so that's basically like something that all sponges do you can't really like avoid it um and what i like about this is as crazy as it looks um it actually gives you that like shape like applying as if you're using an actual sponge which is really nice um it's basically supposed to mimic the feel of like skin against skin so a lot of like professional makeup artists apply their foundation and stuff with their fingers my concern before using it is i did try this like a few days ago and i was wearing a lot of sunscreen and when i was applying my foundation i felt like it was kind of like picking up my sunscreen um so i was getting like a little bit of pilling happening i'm wearing sunscreen but i'm not wearing like um my like combination of sunscreen like how i mixed them before so it's not as thick on my skin um and it's also been sitting for a really long time so basically i want to try this again but because it's sticky it like kind of caused pilling um and i believe he said that the stickiness of the silicone would go down like as you use it and wash it and stuff but yeah anyway oh it does have this like texture on it if you can see that like texture um which is interesting so i don't i didn't um ask about like i think it's probably supposed to mimic like um the [ __ ] are these things called fingerprints or something i don't know so anyway let's just [ __ ] get into the demo jesus so i'm gonna be using this i'm gonna be applying my tarte amazonian clay bb tinted moisturizer now the reason that i'm using this in particular is number one um it has spf and i like reapplying spf number two it's a tinted moisturizer i personally find that it gives me like a nice amount of light coverage basically but because i'm gonna be using an applicator that's not gonna be soaking up the product i wanna see if this like using this applicator is going to provide more coverage does that make sense um so i just kind of want to like see i thought this would be a good thing to test with it um so i'm obviously going to link this down below uh beau also um came out with a book or i think it comes out i think he said like this well i don't know when this video is going up but it should be out or it's going to be out soon um but it's called cinderella you [ __ ] and i haven't started reading it yet but i'm going to because i just finished reading like a really information heavy book and now i need something fun but anyway if you want to check that out i'll link that down below too i made now i went when i used this a few days ago i made the mistake of just like applying the product directly to the applicator to the leia um because i do that with a sponge often but like my sponge is soaking up my product so it ended up being so much so instead i'm gonna put a little bit on the back of my hand to begin with and i'm gonna use this end i'm gonna use the like fleshy end patterned or uh the [ __ ] do i wanna say printed i don't know whatever that the textured side i'm gonna pick up a little bit of it and then kind of like dab it out on the back of my hand so that it's like even and then we're just gonna go in and start applying this so it's made from medical grade silicone just so you know pretty interesting like the texture is very soft especially compared to those other um like silicone applicators that i remember using i don't know like if it's best to press or like kind of do this you know it kind of seems like a combo of those intuitively that's how i feel oh [ __ ] my chin is peeling why it's very interesting it feels um it's very soft i wasn't expecting it to be so soft because you know when you get like a really hard makeup sponge i was almost expecting that feeling but it's not super it's not it doesn't like have that feeling you know like where you press it to your skin and it just feels like too hard it doesn't do that wayne goss actually i saw i just saw the thumbnail i haven't like watched the video um but wayne goss did a video using this and i wanted to check that out too so just if you wanted to if you were interested and you wanted to check out his video it is also kind of nice that like i don't have to get this damp like i feel like i can just um wash it really easily after using it and then just put it in its little case for when i'm like ready to use it again you know so now i'm just kind of going in certain areas of my face that were like a little red to do a little color correcting nice finish um so i put out like a tiny um like squirt and i haven't even used all of it yet and using me oh [ __ ] i give you a deep zoom yeah that's super annoying my chin is peeling what the [ __ ] well that's just dry skin so we can ignore that i've got chin peeling happening down here but the overall finish looks really nice i do see like a tiny bit of pilling pieces little like dots around my chin like little white dots um but honestly like that's nothing compared to what happens when i get belling you know what i mean like that's nothing i could literally just kind of like brush those away like that would probably happen with my sponge or my regular sponge or whatever um i'm pretty sure that i usually use like two pumps of that like not just one pump but two pumps so the fact that i didn't even really use a full pump is very nice very nice so i want to use this to apply blush bronzer and also contour so i'm going to start off with my contour um so i'm using

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