Relaxing Night Routine | How To Have “Me” Time #Ad
today I want to share with you my me time routine these are things I like to do some every day others once or twice a week and I've been trying to encourage as many people as I can to do this so I wanted to share it with you guys as well so let's get started one of the first things I like to do is write down anything that's on my mind any to-do list situations that I have some of them to do with work some of them more personal and this just frees up your brain to not worry about them because you know you're not going to forget it's all on paper and then I can close the book take a deep breath and relax I like to start off a relaxing evening with this sleep tea I recently found this and I'm not a tea drinker but I love this tea it's got camomile lavender and vanilla it has a slightly sweet taste to it but it just smells so amazing and instantly makes me feel more relaxed another one of my favorite things to do is a face mask and Origins have sponsored this video to give me a chance to try their new first ever tea based collection it has four face and four body masks now this is inspired by tea rituals from around the world this is a Japanese matcha and green tea powdered mask I use two teaspoons of powder and 2 TPO of warm water and you just blend this together and apply it onto the face this one in particular is rich in antioxidants to help renew and relax and restore your skin texture while soothing and nourishing the senses with this gorgeous Green Tea Scent now this high quality green tea is known to contain alanine which is an Amo acid that shown to relieve stress improve focus and Foster a state of wakeful relaxation much is an important part of the Japanese culture and was popularized by Buddhist monks centuries ago that used it to enhance mindful meditation and increase alertness I'll put more information in the description Box about where you guys can purchase this you want to leave it on for 10 minutes and in those 10 minutes I like to do a body scan or meditation if you're new to all of this I highly recommend an app called headspace and this will guide you through it and give you a better understanding about how your thoughts and your feelings and your body and mind work together once I've done meditating I hop in the shower more of a shower person than a bath person and I rinse off the mask and Origins also have a body mask this can apply on certain areas of the skin or you can blend it with water and it changes into this very silky smooth shower gel another thing that I like to do is to treat my hair this is one of my favorites it's The Buttery balm it has flour extracts and it's also full of this Shimmer that runs through your hair and actually stays on your hair even after styling and I usually just let my hair dry naturally after I've used this I also like to apply any lotions with a strong scent like coconut or lavender vanilla I find it very calming and relaxing so I keep these for just days when I'm relaxing I also try and stay away from social media I'll turn off my phone I'll go a little bit old school and just read a book and try and relax that way rather than always focusing and always staring at my phone it's one thing that I found since I've started focusing on mindfulness and meditation is that your thoughts and your feelings are kind of like a river and you can't control them you can't stop them you just have to let them go by and just choose to be a little bit more present in the moment whatever you decide to do for your me time I hope that you enjoy it and I will see you in a video really soon