Party Season Beauty Essentials | Must-Have Makeup and Skincare Tips
hi everyone welcome back to the makeup chair today I'm doing my party time Essentials these are all makeup and beauty and hair products to help you get through the party season looking flawless every single day so let's get started going to start off with this amazing hair product after all that styling and hairspray and all that jazz that we put in our hair to keep our hair looking beautiful throughout the party season it's a good idea to help heal your hair afterwards so once I washed my hair I pop in this BB cream and this is like a leave-in conditioner SL hair mask at the same time it is absolutely amazing and hands down one of my favorite things ever ever ever like it keeps my hair really healthy and shiny so I have to recommend that it's the first thing on my list next up I have something for your nails to keep them looking beautiful all the time these are nailing and these are the nails that I wear all the time everyone's always asking me what do I have on my nail you can paint them or you can just have them natural like this I actually prefer them like this cuz tlook really really natural like you've just got beautiful long nails as long as you don't look up close to them cuz you can kind of see the glue let's move on to makeup and first of all going to start off with a primer this is a good time of year to get yourself a primer and treat yourself to a primer depending on whether you have really hot weather in your country at the moment or whether you have really cold weather and you're going into hot houses and then back into cold and it can mess with your skin and mess with your makeup so it's a good time to invest in a good primer this is just by Young Blood it's a mineral primer there's so many different primers out there you just have to really find one that's going to work with your skin type and what you need to work it for whether it's the cold conditions cooling conditions or whatever it might be for you definitely find a primer that's going to suit you eyelashes I love eyelashes and if you've never worn eyelashes before get them for your Christmas party they're super fun and tjust look so so pretty and I'm obsessed with the charl ones which I use all the time I've used them in so many different tutorials but there's so many different ones out there I would highly recommend going for really natural thin lightweight ones like the Cheryl ones if you're a beginner otherwise you can go for something a little bit more fancier but they're definitely a highly essential product when you're going out for a party it's like your eyes are dancing that's what I like to say if you don't want to play up your eyes how about playing up your lips I am obsessed with different shades of lipstick unfortunately I can't really wear them because I have braces I got lipstick on my teeth for me Reds especially scream Christmas I just love it so much these are by GC and these are the ones that Jaclyn Hill uses a lot this one right here is called Rose Hill named after her tlook beautiful on the lips tsit really well tlast as long as lipsticks but tlook as good as lip glosses the cool thing is they're perfect for keeping your handbag because thave a light and a mirror so perfect for topping up when you're on the go going from one party to the other hopefully unlike me who just sits at home all day and talks about makeup next up I have some eyes Shadow palettes to show you there's so many to pick from but I can only pick three to show you guys today starting off with this one by the bomb which I showed you guys a few times it's a really holiday palette even though it looks really summery on it it's a really good holiday palette it's got beautiful neutral tones it's got Shimmer in there it's got glitter in there and it's also got some matte tones as well and it comes with stencils so it's a really really awesome palette for the Christmas season I also showed this Sleek palette in my gift guide video as well it's the beautiful dual tones and it also has that gold in there stunning cute little palette and the Mimi me Ultimate Classic palette which every time I show you guys you guys fall in love with it thave two matte Shades and the rest are glittery it also comes with a brush which is really handy the packaging is very lightweight it's got a mirror on it and it's perfect for traveling with because you can just throw it in your handbag and it's nice and secure another great thing for the party season is glitter but it can be tricky to use so instead of using those Glitters and glitter glue try getting glitter liners instead it literally takes 2 seconds to apply and then you are good to go with your glittery eyes and lastly I have a little trick of getting yourself a new perfume it doesn't have to be an expensive one it can either be a tester and all you have to do is sprit yourself before you head out and it will remind you every time you smell this smell it will remind you of amazing memories that you've made over the season those are my little party Essentials if you have any party Essentials that you would like to include then please leave a comment cuz I love hearing from you guys make sure to check out these videos here you can just click the screen and there's more information in the description box you guys are awesome I love you bye pressed the wrong button