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Now… Eyeshadow for Uneven Hooded Eyes | Tips & Tricks

okay wanted to talk to my hooded eye people another thing that is pretty common with hooded eyes um or hooded lids that i feel like i get quite this question a lot is um this example right here where you have and this is something that we all have like inconsistencies uh an imbalance in our features it's like so typical for the most part you notice it and other people don't but i completely understand that like if you have this situation where more of your lid is showing on one side and your other eye is a little bit more hooded maybe your brow comes down a little bit lower it can be kind of difficult to navigate so i wanted to give you a little bit of a tip about that for this particular eye you can see that the one on the right is that gonna be on the right to you yeah the one on the right is a little bit more defined the crease is a little bit more defined the eye socket is a little bit more defined so you see a bit more of a shadow there one way that you can balance this out a little bit is go in with like a contour shade that is very similar to the contour shade that you used for the rest of your face so for instance the one that i use is typically if i'm not using my fenty matchstick in amber is a wayne goss contour shade so this is just like a really nice color uh to create like more shadows on my face that's essentially what that is right so if you go in with a little bit of your contour shade on like depending on your eye shape you know you could use something like this or you could use something like like this depending on how much room you have you probably want something a little bit more defined um another really good brush actually i usually use this for highlighting so i don't really talk about it that often but um this is the 26 brush by refer which is a little bit larger but it's still got that nice point so you can kind of create that detail pick up a little bit of that contour shade and place it above here i'm going to show you like this you want to place it just above this line right here so where that is you want to darken that area so that you're kind of defining that eye socket so that it matches this one now as far as like uneven brows or whatever if you want to do your brows you can try to like even them out in that way for instance brushing them up a little bit brushing this one down a little bit filling this one up up a little bit more and this one down a little bit more i've talked about this before i'll try to link a video if i can even think remember like which one it would be in just remember you need to be realistic about it you can only do so much to like balance those features but by kind of like defining that left eye with that contour shade that crease is going to help balance those eyes specifically using a contour shade and then you can kind of like build on top of that and as far as using that contour shade don't even use it on the other eye okay you're trying you're trying to balance those things which means you don't necessarily need to go in with that dark contour shade on the other eye because you've already got that so that's what you're trying to achieve with the contour shade on the left eye the moral of the story here is you have to be realistic about your actual anatomy there's only so much that we can change or manipulate without surgery okay and i don't think that's necessary uh all right guys thanks for watching let me know what you want to see next bye

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