My Perfect Imperfections Tag! Embrace Your Flaws
ba-ba-ba-ba um no guys I'm going to do the perfect imperfections tag um no one was sweet enough to just tag me by my name so um I felt left out and no one asked me to do it itself today I'm just gonna do by myself and no one even asked me – in case you're wondering if you're like am I really seeing this on my screen am I really seeing a lady gaga hairdo on my screen yes you're seeing it right I'm not wearing any makeup because um I'm actually sick I have the worst cool ever fever now and then and every time I wake up I feels like I have a throat infection because I almost can't swallow and stuff so instead of people looking at my makeup I want em to look at my hair um if you look at the background I'm wearing my new um so if you look at the background I'm wearing my new urban original heels I wish I was like really good with my feet and cannot twist them but not no it's not gonna work so wearing my new heels and I did a blog post on them on my website so um clicking the link below if you want to see that because it really rocks yeah okay so um I'm in my bed right now and we're going to do the my perfect imperfections tag so you have to tell you for you is like three things that you don't like about yourself but probably no one ever noticed it about you and you have to do three perfect things that you like about yourself so yesterday when I felt even more like crap I wrote down uh six things in total like the imperfect things and the perfect things and um yeah I'm gonna tell you guys I'm gonna start off with the imperfect stuff because I like that stuff better imperfect thing number one my lips um as some of you might know I have a really really red lips and I hate it like other people tswear to God that it's so pretty and I'm so lucky that I have red pigmented lips from my own no I hate it okay I hate it I hate pigmented lips on myself just because one it draws all the attention to the lips and when I have done so much work on my eyes it's like don't look at this look at this that's where I spend all my hours on imperfect thing number two I hate my height I'm six to six foot two oh six feet to six foot feet in meters that is one meter and 90 centimeters people always think I'm this short little tiny girl that screams that does stupid stuff in life I'm like if you think of a model height which is around it um 180 meters I don't know how many feet that is um you're like that's a really nice length F she must be so happy with it tsee me walking murdered they're like oh she must really hate her high because she's so tall I'm really tall it's like really awkwardly tall because I'm always always the tallest one in a group I'm never lucky with the boys whenever we go out everyone stares at me tlike seriously tstare at me like is it cold up there so I really hated that you could only do three imperfect things because I have so many more but the last imperfect thing about myself are my hands um I have really really big scary hands I tweeted about this earlier this week look at it look my hands are insanely big and my fingers are really long and not the skinniest person ever but you know you have a face my hand is almost as big as my face and then my fingers are so freakin long it's like like I tweeted I have Dumbledore hands tare big skinny and long so those artists things my lips my height and my hands and then of course you have my taste which I hate but that is what other people see too so it's not imperfect that you don't like about yourself and other people sudden see it so now it's time for the perfect things I like about myself um this was really hard to even think of because I don't like things about myself that much okay thing number one I really like about myself are my nails um I hate my hands but I like my nails because my nails are like really really um big and they're like really strong I always tell people I have male hands because they're big and everything but what I always notice about boys is that thave really strong nails and really um low no bats cuticles and um I'm exactly like that I have like really big hands and my nails are really strong and um thave a lot of space to play with so yeah I like my nails just because I can do so many things with them um they're at this jordiz right now you see there's nothing like peeling out on top so this is the shortest and I really like it because I still have a lot of space to play with okay sing number two um my attitude you can ask everyone around me what tthink of me but I mean 99% of the hundred says that when I'm around it's a party and I kind of do that on purpose um I always want to be nice to people eight now in real life on the their net everywhere I'm a really like soft person I mean when I'm around I want people to laugh I want people to have a good time I want people to enjoy and what I especially hate is when girls come into a room and the entire mood of the room goes like I personally hate it when girls do that when tlike drop the entire mood of the room and that's why I'm always happy around people I'm always smiling I'm always giving compliments people because I think people deserve to get compliments every day like oh your hair is so nice like oh your makeup is nice your lashes are so pretty um I think people like I think people enjoy to hear good things about themselves and it's good to hear good things about yourself so I I'm always really happy alive I always smile I always make jokes just like in my videos and um I don't know I'm just really happy all the time and sometimes it can get on peoples nerves sometimes when I was in elementary school actually my teacher picked me out of the room and he said you know Nicky you are a person that lifts the mood up in a room and that is a really good thing to do and not a lot of people can do that so that really are so nice of him to say I was seven when he said that go figure best perfect thing about myself is my eye color I always get comments like you have such pretty blue eyes and I'm like nah they're not blue if you take a look at my eyes it's not really blue blue it's not like whoa they're blue and it's know like rodent green I always tell people I have green blue eyes I'm a mixture yeah I kind of like my eye color because it's not green and it's not blue it's like a mixture of both which makes teal or something um so yeah that completes this um my perfect imperfections tag um if you're wondering this entire video why are you wearing a lei Gaga wig it has one reason is just to give you guys a hint you know like a little sneak peek you know so because I'm wearing this you kind of know what's coming in the near future on my channel um so that completes my perfect imperfections tag video I'm gonna be as annoying as everyone else I'm gonna tag all of ya ah I love you a lot um I do please take a look at my website making tutorials comm for um for a blog post on my shoes and on my nails and stuff like that a