Invisalign Braces | Part 7 | How To Clean + On The Good Tips
hi everyone welcome back to the makeup chair today I have an invisaline update so many of you guys have been asking me how I've been getting on with my teeth and I am super happy that I'm at the point where my teeth are like 90% straight they're almost 100% it's like crazy I only have a few more months to go and I am just loving the effect at the moment it's only been in the last like four or 5 days that my teeth have just gone super straight like very suddenly so I'm going to show you guys a few ways that I can maintain my braces and a few my favorite products so I'm going to start off with what you do when you were going to eat your food first thing that you want to do is to remove them the best way to do this is to use your index finger go right to the back of your teeth click downwards you want to get to the inside back teeth because it's the easiest to remove and it's the same on the other side so take your opposite index finger go in and click down and then you can just push down and they'll just fall out very easily pop them into your case and then when you removing the bottom ones it's the same thing opposite finger to the opposite side click upwards click up upwards and then you can use your thumbs to clip up again the first time you do this you might find it difficult but then you'll just be a pro with it and it will only take like 2 seconds at the most to ever take them out make sure that you're washing your case before and after with some kind of a bacterial wipe because you don't want anything to build up in there and then you can eat and you can do all the things you want to do and then it's time to put them back in so when I put them back in the first thing I do is to actually clean my teeth and I clean them really well I love this toothpaste it's the Colgate um Advanced White toothpaste I just find that gets really foamy and get in between all of the teeth very easily so this is the one that I really like and then I floss my teeth because it's really important to floss them in between each of the teeth before you put your braces back in these are the ones that I really like through the floss Harps they're just so simple to use because talready have the little um strip of dental floss on there and you just clip all around the teeth I usually use about three every time I do it and then it's time to use my mouthwash this is the best mouthwash that I've ever used and I've gone through so many different mouth washes it's crazy but this is the smooth mint alcohol-free so it doesn't dry out your mouth and it's the flat fighter I prefer that this color thave tons of different colors in the range but this is my favorite one as you can see it's two different colors you want to shake it up to activate it and then you want to rinse out your mouth and it just leaves the most amazing taste in your mouth all day long really minty as soon as I even take out my braces to go and eat I get that really minty taste again it just seems to keep the teeth super minty and fresh so that's my favorite one and then it's time to clean your actual braces there's a few different ways that you can clean your braces I find some toothpaste is probably the easiest way to do it so I use the eye White toothpaste I find that it almost whitens your braces and keeps them super clean as well so this is the one that I use just a psize mount with my toothbrush brush all along side make sure to get right to the back and all the way to the front as well and get into any of the Little spaces that you might have because I have attachments so thave little bubbles within the actual BRAC you have to get really deep down into and then you're pretty much set rinse it off and you can PLP them back in if you're on the go and you need to kind of brush your teeth on the go and clean your braces on the go I love these ones these are the Colgate wispies there's mac fresh and these are so cute because it's just like a little bowl or sort of toothpaste that you bite and then you just scrub your teeth it also has a little pick on the other side you don't have to rinse it out with any water so they're perfect for on the go cuz I don't like using public toilets I seriously cannot stand them so when I was on the train the other day I was literally brushing my teeth while I was sat there because tlook like lollipops most people don't even notice that that's what you're doing you want and put your Braes back in and you can use another one of these but I tend to actually just use a breath spray and this is just an antibacterial mouth spray it's clear which is really important because you don't want to use any colored ones because tcan actually stain your braces so spray once on either side and when you pop them back in you'll get a nice minty taste I also keep this in like handbag because you can't have mint or chewing gum so if you want to freshen up your breath on the go it's a really good idea to have a mouth spray with you for deep down cleaning which I would recommend doing about twice a week or if you're wearing them for 10 days like me I just do it once a week I would recommend using something like this which is the oap cleanser and it'll just really disinfect them and clean them down really well you can actually use this every single day but I just find once or twice a week is totally fine or if I want to go for a really deep down clean then I'll just use a little capsule tablet that the dentist actually gave me it's really important that you ask your dentist which ones are going to be suitable for your type of braces certain tablets that are sold in pharmacies and supermarkets might actually stain your braces so it's really important that you talk to your dentist before you use any of the tablets and just double check that they're suitable so those are my tips and tricks on how to keep your braces and your teeth squeaky clean I'll put the list of the products that I use in the description box along with a full playlist so if you're thinking about getting a vial line you can check out how I got on from the very start right up to now so I will see you guys in another update really soon and I will talk to you guys on Friday for a makeup tutorial bye