How To Make Your Eyes Look Lifted
today's Monday makeup lesson is how to lift your eye shape the basic rule for lifting is to use a corner of your nose the edge of your eye pointing upwards towards your brows as a guide mark the same with a concealer and blend inwards from this point or you can use a baby wipe at the end of applying your makeup to remove excess eye makeup and to get a nice clean line but my favorite method has to be using sellotape wipe off the sellotape on the back of your hand to remove the stickiness and then place on the corner of your eye working upwards towards the brow then apply your eye makeup as usual you don't have to be neat to sweep over and back making sure to go over the tape each time and you can apply as many different tones and shades as you want that's a great way to experiment and the same goes for your eyeliner just slap it on there you don't have to be perfect then slowly remove the tape for a perfect line each time and your eye shape is miraculously lifted when curling your lashes make sure to get the corner lashes and concentrate your mascara on the outer edge to lift the eye shape if your eyes are still dragging down on the outer edge line the water learn to camouflage this this will close in the gap and lift the lower eye shape try corner eyelashes for a flirty edge or trim full strips in half and once again this will lift your eye shape today's Monday makeup lesson is how to make your eyes bigger and brighter