How to Make Cuban Coffee: Step-by-Step Guide
welcome to Kathleen's Cuban Kitchen welcome to my kitchen everyone this is my mother and today we are going to film a highly requested video a lot of you guys have asked me to show how to make Cuban coffee because you guys know I drink it in like every day on my videos I'm always drinking Cuban coffee so my mother is here to show you how to make it we're going to do two different ways we're going to show you the classic way how to do it in like an original thing what Mom what is this called likef CAF I doubt that's the real name but we're going to show you how to do it in this which is probably my favorite way to do it because I feel like the coffee tastes better when you do it here right the coffee tastes better this and eat that diry stutter oh yeah and this is the okay there's a lot of different copies there's pong yeah but this is the best one you can find this like at wind Dixie or Publix Publix is only a Florida thing so I don't know where you guys would find this windie yeah when I live Walmart thave this when I lived in Mississippi tdidn't have this depending on where you live I don't know if you can get this everywhere where this is very Hispanic Cafe lave so I don't know where you guys who are not in Florida can get this maybe off of Amazon or something but this is my favorite lave this is what it looks like M so first we're going to show you how to do it in a classic in a classic coffee maker so after we show you how to make it the classic way my mom is going to teach you how to make it in one of these things this is a regular like coffee maker I don't know what this is specifically called you can get these pretty much everywhere I think I see this at Bed Bath and beon and Walmart stuff like that this is a little bit more accessible than a classic like Cuban coffee maker thing like that silver thing so that's why we're going to teach you how to make it in this as well okay we're going to start off with the classic way to make Cuban coffee in this type of coffee maker so I'm taking a measuring cup or my mom is but we're taking a measuring cup just so you can see it's see-through so she likes to take three spoonfuls of sugar apply it to the measuring cup and then you open up this coffee maker and you're going to apply water to the base of it so here she's showing you that you shouldn't pass this little screw when you fill it up with water that's kind of like a guideline don't pass the screw you want to make sure that the water comes a little bit underneath it so we're filling it up with water you know not letting it past the little screw and then we're going to apply that little thing right on top and this is where the coffee is going to go so she's taking thefe coffee and applying it into this little cup you want to make sure you're packing it as you're applying it because if not the coffee will come out very watery you want to make sure it's tightly squeezed like tightly packed the coffee will come out a little bit stronger that way then you tighten it up make sure you tighten it real good squeeze it in there and then you're going to place your stove on hot and apply it apply it why do I keep saying apply it and put it right on top of the stove you want to make sure it's on a really hot hot temperature okay and this part is very very very very important you want to leave the coffee maker a little bit open so that you can see when the coffee is coming out it's going to take a couple of minutes but you're going to start seeing steam come out of the coffee pot and then you're going to see that stuff come out this is the coffee it's very important that you want to take the first bit of coffee that comes out and you want to pour some of it into your sugar you want to get the perfect consistency this is what we're going to use to make the Foam with this coffee maker you have to make the Foam by hand so the beginning stages of the coffee like when it starts to spew out take a little bit of it Pour it back into the sugar and start blending blending I'm so used to saying blending start mixing away you really need to beat the crap out of this like you really have to get the perfect consistency sit there and mix it and mix it and mix it it's still quite not ready here you still have to sit there and stir until you get that perfect consistency stir stir stir until it looks like like a creamy delicious like paste but not too thick and not too runny it looks kind of whipped it looks a little bit foamy so this is the perfect consistency right here after like sitting there and stirring for what feels like an eternity and then she's just going to pour a little bit more into that and blend why do I keep saying blend and stir everything together and then she's just going to finish pouring the rest of the coffee and that's pretty much it this is how you get your classic Cuban coffee with this kind of coffee maker it's a little bit timec consuming a little bit harder but I feel like the coffee tastes better like the foam just tastes so much better I guess cuz you did it by hand but yes that is how you do this so now my mom is pouring it into the cup she says that a good thing to do is shake it as you can see she's kind of like shaking it this helped she spilled some there but that's okay this is how you get the most like foam in your cup is if you shake it a little bit so she trying her little coffee tastes delicious all right okay so now I'm going to teach you how to make it on this one so this is the coffee pot you take that thing off that my mom just took off and you start filling that part up with coffee very similar to how we did it before pack it on really tightly and then lock it into place then you're going to unscrew this cap up here and you're going to put water into this little section right here so you grab your little cup thing that comes with your coffee maker and you don't want to pass the number four my mom kind of likes to even leave a little bit less water but don't pass number four and fill it up with water and then pour it right into the coffee maker these are very affordable like I got kind of like a no-name brand imusa it's not that great but it works so the same way as we did it last time she's just going to take three Spoonful of Sugar depending on how sweet you like your coffee this part will vary of course so your coffee maker has three little like um three little nozzles it has off it has the little picture of a coffee mug and then it has a little picture of a steam so you obviously turn it on by putting it on the little picture of the coffee mug and then it's going to start making your coffee so unlike last time where we used like the first coffee that came out we're not going to do that with this we're just going to let it you know just Brew itself you know just take out the coffee and once it starts looking like it's a little bit foamy at the top you're going to take it off and you're going to replace it with a different cup so that