Makeup Yout

How To Fake A Nose Job! Nose Contouring Tutorial

guys so I have learned a couple of new super cool techniques on how to contour your nose even snacks here and I've been applying those techniques to my nose for the last couple of weeks and a lot of you have been wanting to see an updated nose contour video on this so here I am doing it for you yeah let's grab our brushes let's grab our contouring corners and it's time to snatch this nose I only use a couple of products to really get my nose so looking tiny and snatched and perfect so um here we go the only contouring powder I trusted nowadays is by giving a Kwan this is the medium sculpting powder and the only nose contouring brush I trusted nowadays is this one by luck see Beauty this right here is the luxe E 182 brush and it comes with a fluffier side and a more sharp dense side the fluffy side is where it's at and I know a lot of people do cream contouring and then go after with powder contouring but I just feel like that is not for me I don't know how I don't know why but when I cream contour my nose it just looks wrong and muddy and and with powder it looks bomb alright let's do it the first thing I do is tap the fluffy side of the 182 into my contouring powder and only take I'm like barely touching the powder and then tap up axis you really want to do this what happened to me in the beginning when I first contour my nose I didn't tap off the excessive amounts of powder which when it first like when it initially hits your nose that brush it leaves like a dense mark of brown and then you try to blend that in but it's still a little bit more dense and intense where you first hit it so you definitely want to tap it in that powder and tap away the excess and I like to start about halfway into my nose so right around here I start brushing in the contouring powder now of course the closer you apply the lines to work to each other the smaller your nose is going to look if you think about the drag world if you want a really tiny nose what you do is bring these two lines really close together and twon't look tiny so the the smaller you want your nose to look the more towards each other we bring the lines so I'm just going to brush it in I applied very light pressure onto this brush nothing harsh and just right here start smudging in that contour some more and put it on the other side as well and again the closer you put this one towards the other one the smaller your nose is going to look and then I only go about halfway up onto my nose I don't bring it in here and go with that entire brow shape and nose line shape some people go here and then go all the way there and connect it to that crease but for me lately all I've been doing is like the center here like that then what I do is take a little bit more and I'm going to cut my tip so right here underneath the highest point of my nose I also block it with contouring see how it kind of and then whatever is left in that brush I used to connect the lines to that bottom portion I just applied so kind of like this now of course this is way too much you definitely do not want to walk around like this so what I do to really clean up that nose and really make it smaller now is go in with loose powder and my damp Beauty Blender I'm going to pick up some powder and with this we're going to clean it right beside the line of her contour and this will sharpen it and clean it up and really make it look tiny so right beside the contouring line go in with a face powder and clean up see what I mean I know super intimidating right now but it will look perfect in the end so other side okay now that you look like Squidward it's time to work this in and make it look perfect but because we just cleaned it up and made this super sharp you want us to soften it a little so I'm going to take a powder brush and my face powder this one today is by Charlotte Tilbury and to soften this entire look you want to pick a powder and basically from the side of your face drag it over top of the contour and soften it that way so see how I'm coming from the side of my nose and going over top of that contour slightly to soften the harshness of it and see how much softer that already looks this way want and then one of my favorite tricks that Mustaine taught me is to pick up a little bit more cat contouring powder and contour the very side of your nose so right here until you've reached it like air her that really snatches the nose together and of course as a finishing touch you really want to bring in light to where you want to lift the nose up so we're gonna highlight and I'm going to use this sleek highlighting palette in solstice I'm going to take this color right here and just put my pinky I pick up a little bit of the highlighting powder and basically what that will do is kind of take out the tip of your nose and we could tiny and cute and lifted and that's what I want so right at the tip now if you're like girl I went too far with that shine you can always go back in with a powder brush and kind of take it down a little you know what I'm not because I love it and the guy says how I like to contour my nose lately my updated nose contour routine / how to get a nose dub in in like two minutes without the pain I hope this video helps some of you guys and if you are snatching your nose please send me your photos on Instagram hashtag mega to toriel's or tweet me I think the tutorials or send it to me so I can see your snatched nose print full list of every single product mentioned and used go to my blog you tutorials calm or to the description box below you can follow me on Twitter Instagram Facebook and snapchat that all is new tutorials as always if you enjoyed watching this video then please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel I want to thank you so much for watching again happy nose contouring and hopefully I will see you guys on the next one bye bye guys today I'm doing a tutorial on this makeup look right here I wanted to create a more soft but very very glowy glam summer makeup tutorial summer is right around the corner in Holland right now it's blazing hot so that inspired me to come up with a look that is softer and wearable but still has a couple of fun twists

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