Cheryl Cole Call My Name Makeup Tutorial
Welcome to the make a chair today's look is inspired by the new Cheryl Cole music video which is called um call my name I really really like the song and I love the videos so tell me guys what you think of the video this is the kind of inspired look the shimmery look with her hair is kind of down and kind of wavy lots of liner nude lip lots of bronzer I hope that you guys enjoy it and just keep watching if you want to see how I did my Foundation then just check the link up here I'm starting off with a cream base and this is just going to give our pigment something to stick to pigment I'm first using is a champagne Shimmer shade and this is going to be all over the lid make sure to get right by the lashes and in the inner Corner then in the crease I'm going to take a warm golden shade and this has a hint of coral in it you can use Golden or any type of bronzy shade and this is pushed into the crease and then taking a fluffy brush I'm going to buff out any harsh edges going back and forth in a windscreen wiper motion just above the lid to deepen the look in the crease I'm going to take a chocolate brown shade and just work this right into the crease and then buff out any edges again next I'm taking a matte brow highlight and working underneath the Brows I don't want to have too much Shimmer so I've made this one matte taking a Black Pencil liner I'm going to do the upper and lower waterline just place it in there and let it run across is the easiest way to do it I'm also going to place a few dots underneath the Lash line and then taking a fluffy brush and a brown Shadow I'm just going to blend and buff that out taking a felt tip liner I'm going to line the upper lash line I'm also going to take this out to a wing you can probably see it better on the other eye the next step is optional I've applied some false eyelashes but you can just apply a lot of mascara if you want to I'm using my handy little tweezers place the lashes in the center then pin up each Edge make sure it's right down on the lashes for lipstick I'm taking this nude pink and just dabbing it over the lip and on the cheeks I'm going to apply a lot of bronzer because she always has that nice bronzy glow working it underneath the cheeks and then a little bit onto the actual apples as well and just buff out any harsh edges because you don't want it to be noticed I've also applied some clear lip gloss over the top of that lipstick just to make it shine and that's it so that's the finished look I hope that you guys enjoyed that and let me know if you had any problems and if you'd like to see a list of all the products I use it's going to be in the down bar and I'll talk to you soon I'm shenina Katie and thank you for watching bye-bye