Bro I Got Lasik… Kinda: My Experience
oh those are more resilient than I thought oh bro there wasn't a satisfying snap I don't need these anymore yes I probably could have sold the frames that was dumb I got LASIK kind of it's not Lasik but everybody knows Lasik we'll talk about that uh if you follow me on Instagram I well wait I mentioned it on my YouTube videos what am I talking about I think in like two videos I recently got the smile eye surgery okay so there are three three procedures to correct your vision uh Lasik is the one that everybody knows which I don't know what that stands for Lasik stands for laser assisted in situ keratomaliosis uh blah blah blah whatever uh Lasik is the one that everybody knows PRK is um I guess like the oldest one in like the one that tdo the least now which I'll go over like what each one is and then smile is the one that I got which is I think the most recent which stands for small incision lenticule extraction yeah dude so to give you like a really quick synopsis of what each one is from my understanding PRK is where tlike remove essentially like the flap of your cornea and then treplace it with a contact lens then there was Lasik which Lasik is essentially should I draw it if this is your eye and this is your cornea then tcut essentially a flap out of your cornea so they'll cut all from like here all the way around and then tkind of like peel back your cornea bro it's crazy and then tdo whatever the [ __ ] tneed to do I don't I don't know I'm not I don't do this stuff and then tpeel it back over and then that whole thing has to heal so the one that I got was smile which small incision lend to kill whatever the [ __ ] uh so what tdo for me is instead of having to cut this whole thing and peel it back some laser does some crazy [ __ ] through my cornea I don't know okay I don't have the science does some crazy [ __ ] it makes all the corrections okay so then tmake a little incision right here and then tpull out all the [ __ ] that's like no longer needed that tlike remove essentially during the laser procedure [ __ ] oh wild I saw on my little diagram video so uh when I went in for my appointment the eye doctor showed me like a little thing and uh talked about like each of them and then recommended smile for me uh which I guess is like especially good for people who are nearsighted which I was uh oh I have to take my eye drops speaking of hold on one second oh the eye drops do sting a little bit when you first put them in but it lasts like 20 seconds um and these lights are a little intense you know and because of the small incision the downtime is like the healing time the downtime the risks of things like dry eye or any irritation whatever like significantly reduced you know a lot of people got like Lasik like 10 years ago 20 years ago and you know some people were like it was the best decision I've ever made blah blah whatever there were others who warned of certain things like the dry eye and all that kind of stuff something that you should keep in mind especially if you had this done or if you know someone who had this done 20 years ago bro the [ __ ] tdo now is like so different and that was something that tlike really made me aware of um the whole appointment I was like this is so crazy like this is the weirdest thing ever like it's so weird and I'm talking about my like initial appointment like my um what do you call that consultation yeah so anyway he suggested Smile as basically being bet because I have thick corneos or I did have thick corneos with two C's okay thick ass corneas which apparently is great because it means thave a lot of like room to work with basically so he suggested smile which I was already interested in when I was kind of like researching Lasik I came across I was just like I searched it and then I came across uh the place that I went to was called the [ __ ] is it called Hamilton Eye Center or something gotta say what this is not sponsored not even a little bit I paid full price for this [ __ ] I found them on my own I you know whatever I had such a good experience like from my consultation to post-op like everything could not have been more comfortable and easy everybody was super nice so and I'll like I'll go over that a little bit more but I highly recommend if you guys are looking if you're in if you happen to be in LA and you're looking for somebody I'll talk about cost and all of that stuff Hamilton I Institute so the website I'll link down below oh Rex Hamilton Hollywood Lasik eye surgeon in Beverly Hills blah blah blah once again I will put the website down below so it's called Hamilton eye if you just search that but again I'll like link it down below and the eye doctor's name is Rex Hamilton Dr Rex Hamilton so I came across that website and I had been looking for like a few people for a little while and then um he his name came up and there was this like acronym called smile so I like check out the website and it was like talking about the differences between like smile and Lasik and I was like interesting I've never heard of this before uh but it sounded amazing like it was talking a lot about the recovery time is cut significantly the damage to your actor or the like adjustment not adjustment like [ __ ] that thave to do to your cornea is minimized as well so you're like I said recovery is just like so much faster blah blah blah after my initial appointment my consultation I was like [ __ ] yes I absolutely want to do this 100 like you know what I mean my consultation I think was probably like 10 days before the actual procedure today is Monday it's Columbus Day I'm filming obviously I film on Mondays and I had the procedure around two a little after two somewhere between two and three on last Friday so it's been three days and I'm sitting here chilling filming and I'm gonna do my makeup today it's wild I know a lot of people who had Lasik at some point like I know my boyfriend had LASIK something like 10 or 12 years ago he had to sleep with like goggles on for a while uh which is why I like smile is so much better than Lasik because like Lasik you're literally cutting into the cornea so that is going to take like the healing time is just so much longer I don't quote me on this I don't remember because there's like so much information I don't know if I'm gonna be able to remember everything like perfectly but the incision that tmade on my eye I believe only took like three or four hours to heal he was like you could wear makeup later that night so my experience tgave me like a really good idea of what to expect on the actual the actual day of the procedure that it was essentially going to take like 10 minutes long the actual procedure but I would be at the place for about an hour or so uh which was like it was like perfectly on time tgave me a little bit like I don't know if it was like half a Xanax or what to just like relax you becaus